In association with the City of Liege and the SNPC (Syndicat National des Propriétaires et Copropriétaires), UIPI organised the second event of the UIPI Renovation Tour series in Liège on 24 September 2021. It aimed to bring the European Commission’s (EC) climate targets closer to EU citizens, notably Wallonia property owners, by leading locally relevant policy debates and proposing practical solutions building on existing European and local initiatives.
This second event of our Renovation Tour was very well received by local owners. Around around 100 people had the opportunity to gather and debate again in person (and more than 40 people online) this important topic. The morning session dedicated to take stock of the EU, national and local level policy developments, measures and tools to support energy-efficiency renovation was concluded by a round-table debate that steered great discussions between policy-makers, stakeholders from implicated sectors and the public.
The afternoon one focused on practical solutions show-casing tools, assistance and support methods for renovation, as well as cutting edge solutions to facilitate it. We were also able to see several of these examples directly applied to buildings in the city, thanks to a cruise on the Meuse, which served to close the day on a practical note. The strong interest in the topic and for the interventions, the high level of interaction and questions from the audience strongly reinforces our belief that such events are extremely useful for awareness raising and to bring policy closer to citizens; two things without which the Renovation Wave will hardly be successful. Read our main take-aways.
- Stratégie wallonne à long-terme – Attached to the Public Service of Wallonia, Department of Energy and Sustainable Building, Céline Renard
- Stratégié énergie et climat au niveau local – Head of Cabinet of the Local Councillor for the Ecological Transition in charge of the Climate Plan, Sylvie Moreau, and Advisor to the Local Councillor for the Ecological Transition in charge of the Climate Plan, Michel Duc
- RenoZEB: Solution pour accélerer la rénovation énergétique vers des bâtiments “Zéro Energie“ -Research and Expertise Engineer in the Energy and Environment Department at CSTB, Madeleine Devys
- Quickscan – Attached to the Public Service of Wallonia, Department of Energy and Sustainable Building, Céline Renard
- Audit Logement & Primes Habitation – Attached to the Public Service of Wallonia, Department of Energy and Sustainable Building, Carole Van Goethem
- Les prêts du Fonds du Logement aux associations de copropriétaires – Director of the Housing Fund Credit Department, Michel Pirard
- Activation du marché de rénovations profondes et globales du bâti existant en Wallonie –
Managing Director at CORENOVE, Thierry Laureys - Programmes Européens de Développement Régional Rénovation Energétique des Bâtiments: Aborder des secteurs complexes – Expert Development Durable, Energy & Climate at Ville de Liège, Marc Schlitz
- La gestion des bâtiments existants dans la transition énergétique et environnementale – Researcher at Université de Liège, Stéphane Monfils
- Présentation du projet BRICKER
- Accélérer la rénovation – les cases studies
- AW Architects Presentation