UIPI’s reaction to preliminary agreement on energy efficiency in buildings
Brussels, 20 December 2017 – The International Union of Property Owners recognises the need for ambition to promote energy transition in the building stock and welcomes the deal reached by EU institutions on the Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD).

Yesterday evening, after a day of intense negotiations, the Estonian Presidency and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. Even if the detailed outcome of this agreement is yet to be seen, the International Union of Property Owners acknowledges the tremendous work done by all institutions to reach this agreement.
UIPI particularly welcomes the fact that, by opting for a voluntary smartness indicator, the Parliament and the Council recognise the need to be cautious on the development and roll-out of such a tool. We are also pleased that adequate advice has been accepted as an effective alternative to inspection of heating and cooling systems. In addition, the greater contextualisation and framing of the requirements for electromobility should help to limit the burden on households and SMEs.
UIPI also acknowledges the reinforcement of national long-term renovation strategies, through decadal milestones and measurable progress indicators, as well as policies and actions to target the worst performing stock, the split incentive and energy poverty. If reaching those goals will imply extensive efforts from our sector, a long-term vision leaving some room of manoeuvre to Member States, on how to reach the goal, is preferable to specific and detailed provisions.
Emmanuelle Causse, Director of the International Union of Property Owners said:
“We want our homes and our buildings to be healthy and comfortable with minimum energy consumption! Yet, the key to the success to a fair energy transition done for and with the citizens lies in finding the right balance between the carrot and the stick. This is a necessary condition for affordability and wide acceptance of the efforts to be done. We hope that Member States will keep that in mind when transposing the directive and defining their long-term strategy.”Note to the editors
The International Union of Property Owners is a pan-European not-for-profit association comprising now 29 organisations from 28 countries. Jointly, they represent more than 5 million private landlords and owner-occupiers and some 20 to 25 million dwellings. Founded in 1923, the UIPI aims at protecting and promoting the interests, needs and concerns of private property owners at national, European and international levels.