- Dr. Edo Pirkmajer, Vice President of Združenje lastnikov nepremičnin v Sloveniji (Slovenia),
- Prof. Luís Menezes Leitao, President of Associação Lisbonense de Proprietários (Portugal),
- Dr. Friedrich Noszek, President of Zentralverband der Hausbesitzer (Austria),
- RNDr. Tomislav Šimeček, President of Občanské sdružení majitelů, domů, bytů a dalších nemovitostí (Czech Republic), and
- Michele Vigne, Vice-President of Confedilizia (Italy).
- Dr. Kai Warnecke, new President of Haus & Grund Deutschland (Germany),
- Agustin Pujol, President of the Catalonian Chamber and Board member of Confederación de Cámaras de la Propiedad Urbana y Asociaciones de Propietarios de Fincas Urbanas (Spain), and
- Richard Price, Director of Operations of the National Landlords Association (United Kingdom),
“It is an honour for me to have the opportunity to serve property owners in Europe for another term. The strong support of my friends and national counterparts in Europe shows how robust our association has become and how convinced we are that we are doing the right thing to voice the interests of millions of home-owners and private landlords in Europe. I will do my best to continue the good work of UIPI.”
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