Renovation Tour

The International Union of Property Owners launched the UIPI Renovation Tour event series in Europe in September 2021. The series aims to bring the European Commission’s (EC) climate targets closer to EU citizens and property owners by leading locally relevant policy debates and proposing practical solutions building on existing European and local initiatives. To stimulate the Renovation Wave, it is crucial to empower citizens and raise awareness, while gathering the views of stakeholders who are crucial partners in making change happen and paving the way towards a greener and more sustainable Europe for all. We strongly believe that a just energy transition in Europe cannot be achieved without the mobilisation of key civil society groups, notably property owners, as they can play a crucial role in engaging, advising and supporting citizens and policy makers on their path towards the energy transition, and ensuring that quality projects are delivered.

Upcoming events

20 march 2025

Czech Owners on Board

The 8th UIPI Renovation Tour aims to inform Czech property owners and citizens about ongoing discussions around sustainable property development, equipping them to navigate current and emerging challenges. More information to come!

Past events

28 NOVEMBER 2023

Brussels Owners on Board

The 7th UIPI Renovation Tour focused on supporting homeowners and property professionals in Brussels to ride the renovation wave and participate in the new European Bauhaus. It was held at the Architect’s House in Brussels (Rue Ernest Allard 21, 1000 Brussels) on 28 November.

24-25 MaY 2023

Emilia Romagna Owners & Professionals on Board

This Renovation Tour focused on supporting property owners and professionals in Emilia Romagna to ride the Renovation Wave and participate in the New European Bauhaus. It was held in Bologna on 24 and 25 May 2023.

24 NOVEMBER 2022

Catalan Owners on Board

The 5th Renovation Tour took place on 24 November 2022 in cooperation with CCPU, the Confederation of Chambers of Urban Property, in Barcelona. The focus laid on supporting Catalan Owners to be on Board the Renovation Wave.

11 March 2022

Greek Owners on Board

UIPI Renovation Tour continued in 2022 in Athens with Greek Owners on Board. The first event of the year took place in Athens, Greece, on 11 March 2022.

28 OCTOBER 2021

Basque Owners on Board

In association with CCPU (Confederación de Cámaras de la Propiedad Urbana) and Opengela, UIPI organised the third event of this series in Vitoria and Bilbao, Spain, on 28 October 2021.

24 september 2021

Wallonie Owners on Board

In association with the City of Liege and the SNPC (Syndicat National des Propriétaires et Copropriétaires), UIPI organised the second event of this series in Liège on 24 September 2021.


Hungarian Owners on Board

In association with the Hungarian National Association of Condominiums and Condominium Managers (TTOE), UIPI hosted the first event of the UIPI renovation Tour in Budapest on 17 September 2021.

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