Property Day 2013
Excessive Taxation Upon Real Estate
6 December 2013
Genoa, Italy

The UIPI met in Genoa, Italy, for the International Property Day 2013 on 6 December. The focus of the 2013 event was to discuss taxation upon real estate property its economic and societal consequences in European countries, in particular in the light of national reforms to face national budget deficits. The event was hosted by the Genoese Association of Property Owners (APE), part of Confedilizia, the Italian property owners association.
At this occasion, the UIPI presented the 2013 edition of the UIPI Comparative Analysis on Property Taxation in Europe. This study examines the wide range of taxes relating to real estate property in twenty-two countries in Europe. Among the conclusions of the report, it appears that taxation of real estate property is the most burdened form of private capital as property ownership is generally easy to establish and identify, and thus difficult to evade. This presentation was followed with an input on the Italian situation by Prof. Gianni Marongiu as well as speeches from representatives from Italian property owners.
Download the presentation of the UIPI Tax Comparative Analysis 2013: