Within the EU more than 50% of all extracted materials are used in the construction sector. Therefore limiting the exploitation of natural resources and its collateral environmental impact is crucial. This can be done by using renewable energy technologies as well as reusing and recycling resources and materials. A successful transitions in the construction industry can help to support a gradual total decarbonisation of the total European building stock. This is the objective of DRIVE 0 project, a four-years Horizon 2020 project, which aims at accelerating deep renovation processes through the design of a consumer-centred circular renovation strategy.
Building on proven deep renovation products and concepts from the experience of past EU projects, DRIVE 0 will focus on the deployment of local available materials and components from the existing building stock, with great emphasis given to plug & play prefab solutions for building envelop elements and building services. Thanks to a digitalised and gamified stream of information, DRIVE 0 will develop a consumer-centred business model based on circular renovation concepts, which will be supported by the use of existing financial mechanisms, instruments and decision tools. Additionally, DRIVE 0 will identify specific local drivers that motivate and persuade building owners for deep renovation. Exploiting these local drivers should contribute to make deep renovations more attractive, environmentally friendly and cost effective.
Along the whole renovation journey, a focus will be put on users acceptance when developing circular economy business plans. Through DRIVE 0, the “total-performances” of the renovation life-cycle will be monitored and better understood by end-users/consumers and potential investors. Data will be accessible through the consumer-centred platform, including monitoring of energy and indoor environment quality (IEQ) improvements. Information will be made simple and understandable and it will include guidance and tips, as well as insights of the material flows in a circular system. DRIVE 0 will ultimately use these methodologies to increase the real estate value in the end-user centred business models.
In this project, UIPI will bring property owners’ perspective and will act as a communication channel between the consortium and EU stakeholders.

To find out more about the project, go to Drive 0 website:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 841850.