To support the Renovation Wave, Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) are needed that support the whole renovation journey. However, most IHRS focus on advice and support for individual homeowners, are not self-sufficient, and encounter management and financing problems when dealing with condominiums which represent a majority of residences in large cities in the Low Countries. Therefore, CondoReno will coordinate and support the creation of six IHRS for buildings co-owned by multiple private homeowners, targeting Condominium Associations (CAs) in the Netherlands and Flanders, while paving the way for upscaling such IHRS.
CondoReno does this by combining strengths of market-driven IHRS in the Netherlands and local authority-driven IHRS in Flanders into adapted IHRS business models. These will be tested by intervening directly in CA meetings of eight condominiums cases. The IHRS will also integrate living-cost neutral propositions and financial arrangements for achieving label A renovations, while training CAs and SMEs on quality assurance and performance contracting. At the same time, local stakeholder groups will co-create local IHRS supply in three cities and the project will activate CA demand for local IHRS supply with workshops and matchmaking. A Flemish digital resource centre will be initiated that supports actor listing at local level and matchmaking. Market evidence of the IHRS values will lead to crosssectoral agreements for the further multiplication of IHRS in multiple cities and regions. Partners’ and stakeholders’ local, national and international networks and communication channels disseminate and exploit CondoReno knowledge and experiences across Europe. The partnership encompasses experienced project managers and researchers (TU Delft), market-driven frontrunners (WNR), local-authority frontrunners (Antwerp, Mechelen and Ostend), renovation trainers (KERN, APC), contractor associations (VCB, EBC) and property owner associations (UIPI).
UIPI is mainly involved in Communication tasks, namely the creation of the project’s visual identity and content. Furthermore, we aim to replicate the project’s solutions on EU level.
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