About the European Economic and Social Committee Liaison Group
In order to increase its effectiveness and representativeness, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) established the Liaison Group in 2004, gathering European civil society organisations (CSOs) and networks. The partnership base of the EESC Liaison Group ranges from employers’ organisations and trade unions to consumer groups and social, educational, development and environmental organisations. Aiming at being the bridge between the EU and the civil society, this body is designed to forge links and provide a forum for political dialogue in order to influence the EU agenda and decision-making processes (in accordance with Article 11(1) of the Treaty on European Union (TEU)). The Group meets twice a year and fosters both vertical and horizontal civil dialogue among different organisations
Why UIPI is part of the EESC Liaison Group
Being the Liaison Group an active body of the EESC that regularly provides advice to other European Institutions in setting the EU priorities, by taking part to this forum, UIPI will make the voice of EU property owners be heard, whilst creating long-term synergies with different other partners.
To find out more about the EESC Liaison Group: