iNSPiRe Workshop for Property Owners
Financing Energy Efficiency Renovation
24 June 2016
Madrid, Spain

In the framework of the iNSPiRe EU project, UIPI organised a Workshop for property owners and public procurers in Madrid on 24 June 2016 together with our Spanish member, the Confederation of Spanish Property Chambers (CCPU), the Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) and the Madrid public authority Empresa Municipal de Vivienda y Suelo (EMVS).
This workshop brought together property owners’ representatives from all other Europe, technical and decisional experts from the various Spanish Chambers of property owners as well as Madrid property owners and public procurers. The objective was to present the iNSPiRe project and its goals through a presentation of a concrete demo case: the Madrid one (a large scale renovation of a multi-apartment building accomplished within the framework of iNSPiRe). This event was also the occasion to help to overcome the main non-technical barriers to energy efficiency renovation: the financial question, by providing information on how to do a renovation business plan and where to address for technical help and financial support.
It was followed by a site-visit of the demo-case in a suburb of Madrid.