Housing in Europe: Seminars in Brussels and Madrid
1 and 15 June 2023
The Housingplus project that UIPI is part of has as its main goal to bridge the gap in housing studies. For its part, UIPI is drafting a practical Guide on multi-unit building schemes in Europe, that will constitute the first example of this type of tool ever. It will provide information on a transnational level for current and future owners and it will be a valuable instrument for whomever seeks pieces of information on this topic.
To disseminate the results reached so far, there were organised two seminars, in Brussels and in Madrid. The two seminars at hand also aimed to address the most relevant housing-related topics at the moment, by gathering stakeholders, decision-makers and real estate experts together to exchange views and provide inputs.
Brussels, 1 June. The Seminar in Brussels was organised by UIPI in a cosy venue in the centre of Brussels, just at the side of Grand Place. Given the necessity to skill up and raise the awareness of real estate and housing sector actors, UIPI decided to gather stakeholders and policymakers together, in order to exchange on this as well as to discuss the main policy files and issues which are currently affecting the sector.
Professors, EU officials and housing value chain stakeholders from valuers to real estate agents delivered keynote and participated in roundtables to share insights on how to best handle the ongoing problems concerning the sector.
In addition, we finally had the opportunity to present our output for the project: our practical guide on multi-unit building schemes in several European countries. This tool wants to be a practical source of help to assist property owners (current and future), agents, and other real estate professionals in their daily lives, by tackling the condominium topic from a European cross-border perspective.

“La Vivienda en clave europea, seminario 'The European Housing Studies'”
Madrid, 15 June. A couple of weeks after the seminar in Brussels, UIPI participated in another noteworthy event in Madrid. The seminar was convened in the prestigious venue of the Chamber of Property and Mercantile Registrars of Spain, and it was organised by the European Housing Studies team and by the UNESCO Housing Chair of the University Rovira I Virgili of Tarragona.
During the conference, high-level Spanish officials, professors and stakeholders, together with some policymakers, delivered their keynote on the most relevant ongoing issues challenging the sector nowadays and gave insights into the discussion.

On this occasion also, UIPI had a chance to brief the audience on the Practical Guide we are realising, explaining the benefits that such a tool will bring to studies on housing, as well as for property owners and real estate actors in terms of assistance and spread of information.
We were also thrilled to have our Spanish member association’s members welcoming us in Madrid and participating in the discussion and bringing their suggestions to the table.

Co-funded by the European Union.