High Greek Journalism Distinction Awarded to UIPI President
Last week, the President of the International Union of Property Owners and of the Hellenic Property Federation (POMIDA), Mr. Stratos Paradias, received the prestigious Greek honorary distinction from the Athanasios Botsis Foundation for the Promotion of Journalism for his contribution in informing the Press and the citizens about property-related matters.
The award was handed by the President of the Foundation on the occasion of the 35th annual Awards Ceremony in the presence of the President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Prokopis Pavlopoulos.

The honorary distinction was awarded for the 40 years of direct, valid and objective information provided through different media to the public and the journalistic community of the country on private immovable property related matters and for the 35 years of publication of the POMIDA magazine “News from Property Owners” as President of POMIDA and UIPI.
Welcoming the award, Mr. Stratos Paradias stated the following:
“I very much thank the Board of Directors of the Botis Foundation, for this highly honoured distinction. I also thank all the generations of journalists who have trusted me and have helped me over all these years to promote and uphold a very important right, the right to property. A task that without their decisive and objective help would have been virtually impossible to fulfil!”