UIPI Renovation Tour continues in 2022 in Athens! UIPI is happy to announce that the UIPI Renovation Tour – Owners on Board series of events will continue in 2022. The first event of the year will take place at the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (7 Akadimias Street, 10671 Athens, Greece).
The UIPI Renovation Tour aims to bring EU climate goals and policies – more specifically the Renovation Wave and its practical implications – closer to European property owners and managers, promote and steer the political and public debates at local and national levels, give the opportunity for affected parties to provide feedback and propose existing solutions to help all those who wish to engage in the needed efforts to renovate the European building stock and contribute for a greener and more sustainable future. The tour counts with the participation of EU institutions and local governments representatives, as well as key stakeholders in the building and energy efficiency markets. Concrete examples of paths for renovation are offered so as to simplify the renovation journeys of those interested.
Given the positive and successful experiences during this year 2021 – when the UIPI Renovation Tour marked its presence in the cities of Budapest (Hungary) , Liège (Belgium) and Vitoria (Spain) – it became clear that more events like this are needed and UIPI will do its best to keep on organising them, all over Europe, in the years to come. Indeed, such events give the opportunity to all participants to address their concerns and also to have their doubts cleared when possible. This strongly reinforces our belief that such events are extremely useful for awareness raising and to bring policy closer to citizens; two things without which the Renovation Wave will hardly be successful.
We hope you can participate!

9h00 – Welcome
International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) and POMIDA
- Emmanuelle Causse – Secretary General of UIPI
- Stratos Paradias – President of POMIDA and UIPI
- Nancy Papalexandris- Emeritus Professor of the Athens University of Economics and Business, Vice President of POMIDA
9h20 – 13h00 Morning Policy Session
9h20 – Policy Discussion “Setting the Scene”
- Dimitrios Athanasiou – Policy Officer, Energy Efficiency: Buildings and Products at the European Commission Directorate General for Energy
- Maria Spyraki – Member of the European Parliament, Group of the European People’s Party
- Efthimios Bakoyannis – Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Energy
- Vassilios Foivos Axiotis – Athens Vice Mayor for Urban and Buildings’ Infrastructure and City Planning
- George Stasinos – President of the Technical Chamber of Greece
10h30 – Coffee Break
11h00 – Round-Table Discussion with Stakeholder Interventions
All speakers from previous session
- Stratos Paradias – President of POMIDA and President of UIPI
- Dimitri Dimitriou – Architect and main Advisor of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, President and CEO of d. Dimitriou S.A.
- Elena Laina – Architect Engineer NTUA-MBA-MSc and Expert Valuer in Real Estate Property – REV
- Apostolos Efthimiadis – EL.Engineer MIT, Energy Advisor of POMIDA & UIPI
- Giorgos Selimekos – Civil Engineer, Vice President of Greek Building Constructors Union
Open Debate / Q&A : Give Voice to Participants
13h00 – Lunch Break
14h30 – 18h00 Afternoon Practical Sessions “Hands On”
14h30 – Session 1 : Assistance for your Renovation
Tackling energy poverty in the private rented sector: Suitable policies for Greece in the 2030 period
- Vlasios Oikonomou – Managing Director and senior researcher to IEECP, Coordinator of ENPOR EU-Funded Project
15h40 – Session 2 : Financing your Renovation
Presentation of the “EXOIKONOMO” Programme for Buildings Energy Renovation
- Antonis Marinos – Head of Office of the Secretariat General for Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry of Environment and Energy
16h15 – Break
16h45 – Session 3 : Technical Solutions for your Renovation
Integrated approach for energy, architectural and seismic renovation, with in-situ demo case from Progetone EU-funded project
- Anastasia Fotopoulou – Architect Engineer, Senior Research Fellow and Project Manager at the University of Bologna, Department of Architecture
Circular renovation methods & products for the built environment, the example of Drive 0 EU- funded project
- Margarita-Niki Assimakopoulos – Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Physics and Meteorology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
17h30 – Closing Session & Farewell Drink
- President of UIPI, President of the Hellenic Property Federation (POMIDA), Stratos Paradias
- Secretary General of UIPI, Emmanuelle Causse
- Vice President of the Hellenic Property Federation (POMIDA) and Professor Emeritus of Human Resources Management of Athens University of Economics and Business, Nancy Papalexandri
Confirmed Speakers:
- Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, Efthimios Bakoyannis
- Policy Officer, Unit ‘Energy Efficiency’, DG ENERGY, European Commission, Dimitrois Athanasiou
- Member of the European Parliament for Nea Dimokratia party- European People’s Party (EPP), Maria Spyraki
- Deputy Mayor of Urban and Building Infrastructure and Urban Planning of the Municipality of Athens, Vassilios – Foivos Axiotis
- President of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE), George Stasinos
- Architect and Main Advisor of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, President and CEO of D. Dimitriou S.A., Dimitri Dimitriou
- Head of Office of the Secretariat General for Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry of Environment and Energy, Antonis Marinos
- Managing Director and Senior Researcher of IEECP, Coordinator of ENPOR EU-funded project, Vlasios Oikonomou
- Architect Engineer, Ph.D – Senior Research Fellow, Anastasia Fotopoulou
- Representative of Architects, Architect Engineer NTUA-MBA-MSc and Expert Valuer in Real Estate Property – REV, Elena Laina
- Associate Professor in the Department of Physics of the Department of Applied Physics and Meteorology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Margarita-Niki Assimakopoulos
- EL.Engineer MIT, Energy Advisor of POMIDA & UIPI , Apostolos Efthimiadis
- Civil Engineer, Vice President of Greek Building Constructors Union , Giorgos Selimekos