EBC - UIPI Event
Financing Energy Efficiency
14 October 2016
Brussels, Belgium

The European Builders Confederation (EBC) and the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) co-organised the second seminar on financing energy efficiency in private housing. The workshop showed that energy efficiency obligations and alternative measures provide more energy savings than any other policy inst
rument introduced by the Energy Efficiency Directive.
Under Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive, EU Member States should set up energy efficiency obligation schemes. These schemes require energy companies to achieve yearly savings of 1.5% of their annual energy sales to final consumers through measures helping, among other things, final consumers increase the energy performance of their building.EU countries may also implement alternative policy measures (to the energy efficiency obligation schemes) which reduce final energy consumption. These measures can include financial and fiscal incentives as well as training and education, including energy advisory programmes.
Through examples from France, Italy and the United Kingdom, this workshopshowed how all these mechanisms can provide a suitable complement to finance and boost energy efficiency renovations in the privately-owned building stock. You can access the presentations below:
Snapshot of Article 7 by Tina FAWCETT
Partnership between companies & installers and training for professionals by Christian DECONNINCK
Italian fiscal incentives for energy renovation worksby Gabriella AZZOLINI
Energy efficiency obligation schemes in the UK by Tina FAWCETT
Overview on Article 7 by DG Energyby Lelde KIELA-VILUMSONE