Workshop on the role of they civil society groups in the renovation wave
4 March 2021, 14:00 – 15:30
A Renovation Wave in Europe cannot be achieved without the mobilisation of key civil society groups, notably representatives of owners and professional organisations. In the framework of the Civil Society Days 2021, together with the Architects Council of Europe (ACE) UIPI will be co-hosting an online Workshop on the role of key civil society groups in the Renovation Wave.
Key civil society groups can play a crucial role in engaging, advising and supporting citizens in their renovation journey, and ensuring that quality projects are delivered.
This workshop is meant to showcase and discuss, through the presentation of concrete examples, the role of key civil society groups in the Renovation Wave Strategy, and to debate policy initiatives and instruments that can best support the mobilisation of civil society. You can find the complete programme here.
- Pierre Jean Coulon, EESC Rapporteur for the Renovation Wave
- Kadri Simson, Energy Commissioner
- Emmanuelle Causse, Secretary General of UIPI
- Morten Andreas Meyer, Secretary General of the Norwegian Homeowners’ Association, Huseierne
- Julie Fernandez, Council Member of the Conseil National de l’Ordre des Architectes, France
- Paula Rey García, Deputy Head of Unit B3 Energy Efficiency: Buildings and Products, DG ENER, European Commission
- Marcos Ros Sempere, Member of the European Parliament
You can find out more about them here.