Civil Society Days – Workshop on the Renovation Wave

CIVIL SOCIETY DAYS 2021 Workshop on the role of they civil society groups in the renovation wave 4 March 2021, 14:00 – 15:30 A Renovation Wave in Europe cannot be achieved without the mobilisation of key civil society groups, notably representatives of owners and professional organisations. In the framework of…

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Survey reveals renovation plans for multi-apartment buildings in Hungary

Survey from our Hungarian members shows that 83.4% of respondents plan a renovation in the next three years UIPI member in Hungary, Társasházak és Társasházkezelők Országos Egyesülete (TTOE), together with the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) and eHÁZ, a company specialised in multi-apartment buildings management, conducted a national online survey…

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UIPI SURVEY: Property Owners’ Willingness And Capacity To Renovate

UIPI Survey: Property owners’ willingness and capacity to renovate UIPI is launching an online survey that intends to assess how European property owners, be they owner-occupier households or individual/professional landlords, feel about their properties and the need to renovate them to make them more energy efficient and sustainable as well…

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Press Release – UIPI Welcomes New Finnish Member Kiinteistöliitto

UIPI welcomes new Finnish Member KIINTEISTÖLIITTO  4 January 2021 Brussels, Belgium 4 January 2021, Brussels – The International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) starts the new year by welcoming a new Member: the Finnish Real Estate Federation (FREF) – Suomen Kiinteistöliitto ry. This addition does not only enrich UIPI’s membership base, but…

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