Round Table on Student Accommodation in times of Covid-19

ROUND TABLE Student Accommodation in times of Covid-19 6 May 2021, 10:00 – 12:00h Free mobility and the student sector, especially international students, were heavily impacted by Covid-19 and consequently so was the student housing sector and their providers. In the scope of Erasmus+ funded project HOME, UIPI is organising…

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Berlin’s rent cap ruled unconstitutional

Berlin’s rent cap ruled unconstitutional  Yesterday, 15 April 2021, one year after its entry into force, the Berlin Rent Cap Act (Mietendeckel) was ruled to be unconstitutional by the German Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht).  This decision from the German highest court follows a major complaint from 284 members of the German Bundestag from the liberal and conservative parties which questioned the competence of the…

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200 years of Independent Greece: Property protection in the early Constitutions of the Greek Independence Revolution

200 years of independent Greece:Property protection in the early Constitutions of the Greek Independence Revolution Article by UIPI’s and Hellenic Property Federation’s (POMIDA) President, Mr Stratos I. Paradias, occasioned by the Bicentennial Anniversary of the Greek Revolution.  Immediately after the beginning of the armed struggle for the liberation of Greece…

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