iNSPiRe Workshop for Property Owners

In the framework of the iNSPiRe EU project, UIPI organised a Workshop for property owners and public procurers in Madrid on 24 June 2016 together with our Spanish member, the Confederation of Spanish Property Chambers (CCPU), the Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) and the Madrid public authority Empresa Municipal de…

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Job Opportunity – Junior Public Affairs Officer

The International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) is looking for a Junior Public Affairs Officer, starting asap   Profile EU national or have a valid Belgian work permit; Proficient in written and spoken English. Knowledge of additional EU languages is an asset; Graduate in law, economics, political sciences or European…

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iNSPiRe Property Owners’ Workshop, 24 June 2016 Madrid

iNSPiRe Property Owners’ Workshop 24 June 2016 Madrid, Spain In the framework of the iNSPiRe EU project, UIPI will organise a workshop in Madrid on 24 June 2016 with the support of our Spanish member, the Confederation of Spanish Property Chambers, and the Madrid public authority Empresa Municipal de Vivienda y…

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EBC-UIPI event on Retrofitting the Private Housing Stock

The Juncker Plan: A promising instrument with an aggregating potential   On 18 March 2016, the European Builders Confederation (EBC) and the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) co-organised a workshop to learn how the Juncker Plan could be used to boost private investment in “small scale” energy efficiency renovation. For…

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