Under the Microscope – The New French Housing Law

UIPI PolicyHub UNDER THE MICROSCOPE LOI ELAN After more than 8 months of debates, the new French housing law, the “ELAN” law n° 2018-1021 (acronym for Evolution of Housing, Development, and Digital) was definitively adopted on 16 October 2018 and published on the French Journal Officiel on 24 November 2018.…

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High Greek Journalism Distinction Awarded to UIPI President

High Greek Journalism Distinction Awarded to UIPI President Last week, the President of the International Union of Property Owners and of the Hellenic Property Federation (POMIDA), Mr. Stratos Paradias, received the prestigious Greek honorary distinction from the Athanasios Botsis Foundation for the Promotion of Journalism for his contribution in informing…

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Portrait N°6: England – UIPI Feature Series 2018

Portrait of William Cartwright-Hignett and Iford Manor – England For the sixth portrait of UIPI Feature Series on Building Heritage, we head to the South-West of England, precisely in a charming hidden valley near Bath, to meet William Cartwright – Hignett. William is the owner of Iford Manor, where he lives with…

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My City AdoREs Green Buildings

My City AdoREs Green Buildings, and yours? Sign the ABRA Engagement Letter! Do you represent a local authority or a European municipality? Show that your city AdoREs green buildings! Don’t miss out on energy efficiency, urban densification and building renovation. Join the growing number of cities which already support the…

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