Meet Our Member: Omakotiliitto!

For the first issue of our new article series “Meet Our Member”, we decided to showcase our Finnish member, Omakotiliitto. The Finnish Home Owners’ Association is indeed joining UIPI’s European Affairs Committee, coming closer to Brussels in order to keep abreast with the day-to-day activities of our Secretariat. Kaija Savolainen,…

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Sign up to UIPI-SNPC event: “La rénovation énergétique des copropriétés”

UIPI-SNPC Séminaire d’information La rénovation énergétique des copropriétés : Tour d’horizon des initiatives européennes  28 February 2019, Brussels12.30 – 16.00 Dans le cadre du projet Européen ABRACADABRA, l’Union Internationale de la Propriété Immobilière (UIPI) et le Syndicat National des Propriétaires et des Copropriétaires (SNPC) ont le plaisir de vous inviter à…

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UIPI & Housing Solutions Platform Joint Event – REGISTER

UIPI-Housing Solutions Platform Joint Event What Role for the Private Market in fostering Affordable Housing? 19 February 2019, Brussels 15:00 – 16:30 REGISTER HERE! Overview More than 118 million people in the EU, which correspond to 23.5% of the total European population, live in households at risk of poverty or social…

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Feature Article Series on Building Heritage – Final Recap

Feature Article Series on Building Heritage 2018 at a glance   “Their home, our heritage!”   2018 will be remembered as an important step forward for the acknowledgement and preservation of European cultural heritage. Throughout the whole year, initiatives and events all over the EU celebrated our diverse and multifaceted…

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