Meet Our Member: Confedilizia!

For the second issue of our article series “Meet Our Member”, we head to Rome to meet Confedilizia. For over 130 years, this Organisation has been a secure reference point for all Italian property owners. Its representative basis counts millions of citizens: from individual owners to large real estate investors. Giovanni…

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News alert: new energy labels

News Alert New Energy Labels On March 11, the European Commission has adopted new energy efficiency labels which will be physically and digitally visible for EU consumers as of 1 March, 2021. Their goal is to be more understandable to consumers and help them make better informed purchasing choices. Initially…

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What Role for the Private Market in Fostering Affordable Housing?

UIPI – HSP Joint Parliamentary Event What Role for the Private Market in Fostering Affordable Housing? 19 February 2019 Brussels, Belgium Highlights On Tuesday 19 February 2019, the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI), the Housing Solutions Platform (HSP), and MEP Jan Olbrycht (EPP) hosted a debate at the European…

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