Meet Our Member: Haus & Grund!

In this issue of the “Meet our Member” article series, and in correlation with the German presidency of the Council of the European Union, we take the opportunity to introduce our German member association, Haus & Grund. It is the largest association for private landlords and property owners in Germany,…

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The New European Bauhaus: an idealistic or realistic initiative?

The New European Bauhaus In her Sate of the Union Speech last September, the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen launched the New European Bauhaus initiative, a concept which according to her will “give our systemic change its own distinct aesthetic, to match style with sustainability”. But…

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The Finnish homeowners’ association questions electricity transmission fees

CITIZENS’ INITIATIVE BY OMAKOTILIITTO Reduction of electricity transmission fees The Finnish Homeowners Alliance, Omakotiliitto, launched a citizens’ initiative demanding amendments to electricity market legislation to make electricity transmission tariffs more equitable. Over the past decade, transmission tariffs in Finland have doubled, weakening Finnish citizens purchase as much as half a billion…

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