UIPI on Draft Environment Act

UIPI comments on Draft Environment Act May 2023 Brussels, Belgium On 3 May, UIPI submitted feedback on the EU’s draft Environmental Delegated Act, which stems from the EU Taxonomy Regulation. This Regulation aims to set out the conditions economic activities have to fulfill to be labeled as ‘sustainable’. The Delegated Act will define technical screening criteria to…

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Housing in Europe – Theory and Practice under one roof

SEMINAR Housing in Europe – Theory and Practice under one roof Rue de la Violette 5, 1000, Brussels, 1 June 2023 This seminar represented a unique opportunity to delve into some peculiarities and ongoing issues related to the housing sector, with particular attention to the necessity of skilling up and…

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Boosting Energy Communities in Sweden

WEBINAR Boosting Energy Communities in Sweden Online, 7 June 2023 This webinar discussed the concept of Energy Communities, particularly focusing on the case of Sweden where the EU legal framework has not been transposed yet. This webinar has been organized by UIPI, Fastighetsägarna, Villäagarna, and NRG2Peers. To support the Energy Transition…

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Proprietari e Professionisti dell’Emilia Romagna on board

Version in English Il Renovation Tour della UIPI è tornato! Questa volta si concentrerà sul sostegno ai proprietari immobiliari e professionisti dell’Emilia Romagna per cavalcare la Renovation Wave e partecipare alla New European Bauhaus. Si terrà a Bologna il 24 e 25 maggio 2023. Ancora una volta, la UIPI, in…

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