Author: Emmanuelle Causse
Author Archives: Emmanuelle Causse
Propriétaires Wallons On Board
En association avec la Ville de Liège et le Syndicat National des Propriétaires et Copropriétaires (SNPC), l’UIPI a organisé le deuxième événement de la série UIPI Renovation Tour à Liège le 24 septembre 2021. Il visait à rapprocher les objectifs climatiques de la Commission européenne (CE) des citoyens de l’UE,…
UIPI Statement on Fit for 55 package
How to make the climate transition fit for property owners? July 2021 Brussels, Belgium Today’s publication of the Fit for 55 package is a historical milestone for the EU. To reach at least 55% greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2030, as enshrined in the European Climate Law, the European Commission…
New steps in the decarbonisation challenge: which role for Gas in the Europe of the future?
New steps in the decarbonisation challenge: which role for Gas in the Europe of the future? June 2021 Brussels, Belgium The Gas market reform is in the core of the Green Deal with considerable effects on consumers and internal market policies. As representatives of key consumers on the energy market,…