TSZOE-UIPI Condominium Renovation Professional Day

TSZOE-UIPI Condominium Renovation Professional Day

Hungarian property and condominium managers will gather on 19 September 202for the TSZOE-UIPI Condominium Renovation Professional Day in Budapest (Hungary). Over 300 condominium managers will learn about the current and future opportunities in condominium renovations, featuring European and Hungarian initiatives and best practices.

The Condominium Renovation Professional Day will open with a session focused on how the new EPBD will impact the renovation wave followed by showcases of condominium renovation initiatives around the EU and an open discussion on how to increase the sustainability of the Hungarian building stock and enhance interconnection between the condominium microcosm in view of improving local neighbourhoods.  

The Condominium Renovation Professional Day is co-organised by the National Association of Condominiums and Auditors (TSZOE) and the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) in partnership with EU projects CondoReno, BuildUpSpeed and Craft. The event will be in person only at the Sugár Event Center in Budapest and it’s free of charge, but registration is required. 

All the information about the event and programme available here.



9:30 – 10:00 Registration

10:00 – 10:10 Opening by Szilvia Szilber, Member of the Board of TSZOE

10:10 – 10:30: Presentation of the EPBD by Emmanuelle Causse, Secretary General of UIPI

10:30 – 10:50: European good practices in condominium renovations by Erwin Mlecnik, Associate Professor of Delft University of Technology and CondoReno Project Coordinator

10:50 – 11:10 Bridging the Gap: Connecting the Market, Innovative Solutions, and Professionals – Feedback session on Build Up Speed with Emmanuelle Causse, Secretary General of UIPI

11:10 – 11:50: Crafting our cities: Challenges and solutions in hungarian condominium renovation roundtable discussion followed by questions and answers

11.50 – 12.40 LUNCH BREAK, chat with speakers

12:40 -13:00 Building renovation in exchange for an attic, how to do it, how not to do it? by Dr. Balázs Károly Kiss, President of TSZOE

13:00 – 13:20 Effective application of artificial intelligence in condominium communication by Dr. Ildikó Dén-Nagy PhD, editor-in-chief of THT

13:20 – 13:40 How do we document building renovations? by András Dén Mátyás, project leader at eINGATLAN.hu

13:40 – 14:00 Building renovations and condominium insurance: what to look out for? by Márton Besnyő, CEO of Netrisk Kft.

14:00 – 14:30 COFFEE BREAK, chat with speakers

14:30 – 14:50: What can we do if the contractor does not do the job or does it wrong? Enforcement options by Dr. Gábor Havas-Sághy, ICT lawyer

14:50 – 15:10: How can the audit committee member receive the details of the owners? by Dr. Péter Dávid, lawyer, fintechjog.hu

15:10 – 15:40 – Legal roundtable with Dr. Gábor Havas-Sághy, Dr. Péter Dávid, Dr. Balázs Károly Kiss

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