In association with CCPU (Confederación de Cámaras de la Propiedad Urbana) and Opengela, UIPI organised the third event of this series in Vitoria and Bilbao, Spain, on 28 October 2021. As all UIPI Renovation Tour events, it aimed at bringing the European Commission’s (EC) climate targets closer to EU citizens, notably Basque property owners, by leading locally relevant policy debates and proposing practical solutions building on existing European and local initiatives.
The third UIPI Renovation Tour event, and last for 2021, took place in Palacio Villa Suso. It was the opportunity for Basque property owners to understand EU climate policies and the Fitfor55 pack, and how these would impact them, as well as the national and regional strategies adopted in Spain, the Basque Country and in Vitoria-Gasteiz. It gathered around 60 very enthusiastic participants glad to meet and debate this important topic. The morning session dedicated to take stock of the EU, national and local level policy developments, measures and tools to support energy-efficiency renovation was concluded by a round-table debate that steered great discussions between policy-makers, stakeholders from implicated sectors and the public.
It has become increasingly clear, with each edition of the UIPI Renovation Tour, that policy needs to be brought closer to citizens and their feedback closer to policy-makers. The feedback received was very positive and the initiative welcomed, reinforcing the pertinence of such events.
Such events create a space for dialogue where participants have the opportunity to clear their doubts and comment on how realistic and feasible policies are, providing valuable feedback to improve them and adapt them to their needs and thus increasing their success rate. The events also provided the opportunity to capitalize on EU-funded projects and ensure that results produced reached the targeted market and achieve their goal of supporting the Renovation Wave, by offering tools to property owners and other key players, that can help them navigate their renovation journeys. Furthermore it allows to explore synergies between projects, which only potentiates their usefulness, wide reach and market uptake. The strong interest in the topic and for the interventions, the high level of interaction and questions from the audience strongly reinforces our belief that such events are extremely useful for awareness raising and to bring policy closer to citizens; two things without which the Renovation Wave will hardly be successful. Read our main take-aways.
All the contents presented are rendered available in this webpage. Photos and the recording are also available below. We would like to thank all our participants and local partners without which these events would have not been possible.
- Policy Officer at the European Commission Directorate General for Energy, Pau García Audi
- Member of the European Parliament, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica
- Deputy Director General of Land, Information and Evaluation at the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Miguel Baiget-Llompart
- Director of Territorial Planning and Urban Agenda in the Basque Government, Ignacio de la Puerta Rueda
- President of Ensanche 21, Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council’s Municipal Land and Rehabilitation Company, Ana Oregui Bastarrica
- President of the Chamber of Property Owners of Álava and Vice-President of the Confederation of Urban Property Chambers (CCPU), Isabel Martí
- Censorial accountant of the Colegio de Admnistradores de fincas de Valencia-Castellón, Juana Blasco Soler
- President of Álava College of Architects, Jimena Ruiz de Landa
- President of the Alava Union of Construction Enterpreneurs (UNECA), Luis Alba
- Project Coordinator, I&D Solintel Department, Michele Vavallo
- Principal Researcher in the International R&D&I Department – Valencian Institute of Building (IVE), Ana Sanchís Huertas
- Director General for Quality, Rehabilitation and Energy Efficiency, Second Vice-presidency and Regional Ministry for Housing and Bioclimatic Architecture of the Generalitat Valenciana, Alberto Rubio Garrido
- Technical arquitect of the promotion area of the Bilbao Municipal Housing, Lander Irazoqui