Started in March 2016, ABRACADABRA is a three-year project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme aiming at developing a cost-effective, energy efficient retrofitting strategy, to which UIPI is a partner. The last International Workshop in Brussels focused on discussing opportunities but also hurdles to deep energy efficiency renovate the European building stock and, particularly also using building add-ons.

On 16 March 2017, the third ABRACADABRA International workshop took place in Brussels Brussels.

‘Assistant Buildings’ addition to Retrofit, Adopt, Cure And Develop the Actual Buildings up to zeRo energy, Activating a market for deep renovation’
ABRACADABRA is a three-year long EU project funded by Horizon 2020. ABRACADABRA is based on the prior assumption that non-energy-related benefits can play a key role in the deep renovation of existing buildings. Therefore, the objective of the project is to build confidence and demonstrate the attractiveness of renovation strategy based on building volumetric Add-Ons and Renewables (“AdoRes”). In order to reduce the initial investment needed and the payback time, the project investigates ways to increase the value of a property or generate additional income through the installation of additional units to the façade, side or top of a building, the integration of renewables or the construction of an annexed building. Participating countries are Italy, Greece, Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, the Netherlands, Norway, Latvia. UIPI is one of the three EU umbrella associations involved in this project, together with the Architect Council Europe and Housing Europe, the association of public and social housing providers.
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